Universiteit Utrecht   Faculteit Natuur- en Sterrenkunde

Home page of Harold W. de Wijn


Postal address:   CMI (Condensed Matter and Interfaces), Department of Chemistry
Debye Institute
Utrecht University
P.O.Box 80.000
3508 TA Utrecht
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-30-2532227 (office)
Office:Ornstein Laboratory, room 166

Curriculum vitae

1963 Ph.D., University of Amsterdam
1963 - 1968   Assistant/associate professor, University of Amsterdam
1968 - 1970 Member of staff, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, USA
1970 - Professor of solid-state physics, Utrecht University
2003 Fellow JSPS

Research interests

1958 - 1966   Microwave spectroscopy of gases and molecules
1964 - 1988 Magnetic resonance (NMR, EPR, ENDOR, AFMR)
1982 - 1986 Ionic conductivity
1985 - 1989 Incommensurate crystals
1985 - 1993 Optical pumping and detection of magnons
1992 - 1995 High-Tc superconductivity
1968 - Two-dimensional magnetism, in particular spin waves in antiferromagnets, ordering processes in frustrated systems, and spin glasses
1972 - Physics of phonons, in particular relaxation, generation and optics of coherent phonons, stimulated emission of phonons by metastable spin systems, and multi-phonon relaxation

PHONONS Prize (a.k.a. Klemens Award)



Complete list   1970 and earlier   1971-1980   1981-1990   1991 and later

Supervised Ph.D. Theses

List of theses

Teaching duties (since 1992)

- Quantum mechanics (2nd academic year)   syllabus and problems (pdf)
- Solid-state physics (4th academic year)
- Physics (mainly electricity, magnetism, and optics; 2nd academic year University College Utrecht)
- Magnetic resonance
- Physics for Ph.D. students in chemistry


- SI and cgs systems of units: dimensions and conversion factors   (ps)   (pdf)
- Macros for selecting fonts in plain TeX (v3.0). Also available from CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network).
- METAFONT sources of the euro symbol and CE mark (v3.0) including scores of variants. Also available from CTAN. Included in the Tex-Live package.
- Portable bitmaps of euro symbols and CE mark.

My portrait    Show

Aliases: H. W. de Wijn, Harold de Wijn, H. de Wijn, H. W. deWijn, Harold deWijn, H. deWijn

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